1878 -1880 Journal of Sophie Richard
transcription and translation by her direct descendant Michael Marcotte
*** Copyright John and Faye Crow, Michael Marcotte, 2000 ***
*** This material may be printed and reproduced for personal or ***
*** family use, only. Commercial reproduction or distribution is expressly forbidden. ***
(MM Note: French words are spelled as taken directly from Sophie Richard's diary.
Numerous misspellings are present, as might well be expected in 1878/1879.
Also, at some point in time, descendants have traced over much of the fading writing,
and occasionally inserted erroneous characters)
I have noted only a few of either such instances in the translations - Michael Marcotte
Page 1
Pour l'annee 1878 La poeme ???
For the year 1878 Poem
janvier Monuscris memorielles de l'annee
January Memorial manuscript (Memoirs) of the year
1er beautemp chemin de boues inpasable
1st nice weather dirt roads impassable
le 29
Joseph Bouregard quitte Manteno pour Cloud Co. Kansasthe 29th Joseph Bouregard leaves Mateno for Cloud County, Kansas
fevrier 15 fevrier zea emma Nastia Neé fille de Jos Bouregard euge????
February 15 February Zea Emma Nastia born daughter of Joseph Bouregard (and Eugenie, his wife)
mars 21 21 mars Commencé a labourré
March 21 21 March - Started to work (the land)
avril 21 seme bled
April 21 sowed the wheat (should be blé )
Le 1er le promier avril depart de Eugenie espouse de Jos Bouregard
pour rejoindre sont epoux aux Kansas avec Louisa et Emma
Louisa 20 mois Emma 46 jours
The 1st The first of April departure of Eugenie, wife of Joseph Bouregard
to rejoin her spouse in Kansas, with Louisa and Emma
Louisa 20 months, Emma 46 days (of age)
avril 20 tous les arbres en fleure feuille de vignes point d'hiver toujours
April 20 all the trees in flower, leaves on vines, still no winter
Le 21 de lu boue la terre blanchié que 2 jour dans toute l'hiver (someone seems to have added a 't' later)
April 20 mud ground whitened only 2days the whole winter
Le 23 mai Commence a plante de bled inde le 12 mai grosse gelle a glace
The 23 of may Started to plant corn, the 12th of May big frost.
Juin le 9 juin Delias Aglaé Lapolice Neé au Kansas
Juin June 9th, Delias Aglaé Lapolice born in Kansas
21 finie plantté le bled inde, toujours de la pluit 15 jours de beautemps
21 finished planting the corn, always raining, 15 days of nice weather
juillette 3 juilette les 4 petites E. Harpin de Chiacgo en visite
July (should be juilet) July 3 the 4 children of E. Harpin of Chicago are visiting.
4 juilette mort de la femme de Noel Richard
July 4 Noel Richard's wife died.
Aout 3 aout Commence a battre au moulin.
August 3rd of August Started to... literally = beat at the mill,
figuratively=mill the wheat)
19 aout Eudacide Harpin vient en visite et ramene
le 6 enfants le 27 aout W/Nelly, Edé, Johnny, Fredé et Louis(a?),
George raportant toujours la fleure du Souvenir de la
nord compagnes de Manteno et RockvilleCo., Kkk
August 19, Eudacide Harpin came to visit and brought
her 6 children, 27 August. W/nelly, Johnny, Freddy, Louis(a?),
George always brings flowers as a souvenir/reminder of the
northern country of Manteno (IL) and Rockville County, Ill.
aout Joseph Hebert
dans ????
August Joseph Hebert
in ???
Page 2
Aout 1878
24 , Promiere viste du petit Frede a Jos Hebert chez
le grépere Hebert a l'age de 2 ans 3 mois a Rockville Ill.
August 1878
24, first visit of little Freddy to Joseph Hebert at
his grandfather Hebert at the age of 2 years, 3months in Rockville, Illinois.
September 12 (added notation, different hand, different ink)
Le 1er septembre moi grémere Hebert en visite a Ste Anne KKK co
September 1st me (and?) grandmother Hebert visiting Sainte Anne, Kankakee County, Illinois.
Chez ma soeure William(Wilbon?) Langlois, malade, chez Auguste Bernier
At my sister William(Wilbon?) Langlois, sick, at Auguste Bernier
30 septembre Grose jellé blanche point de domages aux bled inde
September 30 good frost - no damage to the corn
Octobre 1 et 2 les 40 heur a Manteno preché par reverand Coté pretre de Chicago
October 1st and 2nd the 40 hours to Manteno preached by Reverend Coté, priest from Chicago
Le 7 Rose Edmée LeBlanc Neé sont parrent Johnny Hebert
Batissé a Manteno Kkk Co Illinois Sa Marrain ne Lisa Jetté m/par Kartson?
The 7th Rose Edmée LeBlanc is born. Her godfather (should be parrain not parrent)= Johnny Hebert
Baptized in Manteno, Kankakee Coount, Illinois. Her Godmother maiden name Lisa Jetté
By Rev. Kartson.
27 et 30 Octobre promiere Neige fondu le 1er novembre
27 et 30 October first (premiere) Snow melted, the 1st of November
Novembre 1er réunion des Dame de l oeuvre de l autel et
La société de St Joseph Le Novembre finie de battre au moulins
November 1st, the ladies altar society of St Joseph meet. End of
milling in November.
Decembre promiere neige de 2 pouces aviront le 8 Dec 1878
December - First snow of 2 inches around December 9, 1878.
5 (Dec) Johnny Archil Monty Né sont parrent et Marroinn Julien et Marie Leblanc
a Manteno Kkkee Illinois par le Rev Kartson, priest.
December 5 Johnny Archil Monty is born. His Godfather and godmother = Julien and Marie Leblanc.
1878 8 (Dec) a Bourbonnais decedé Etienne Borasseau pere
1878 8 December, Etienne Bourasseau, Sr., died in Bourbonnais.
Dec 31 Decedé a Cloud Co. Kansas, Louisa Bourgard a l'age de 2 ans...????
Petite fille de joseph et Eugenie Bourgard ci-devant de Rockville Illinois
Dec 31 Died in Cloud Co, Kansas = Louisa Bourgard at the age of 2 years ????and ? months?
Daughter (or granddaughter) of Joseph and Eugenie Bourgard (prob. Beauregard), of Rockville,Illinois
1 neige de 8 pouce 1879 et poudre le 15 neige
1 8 inch snow 1879 and podre the 15th snow
Janvier 4 le jour des plus gros froid de 23 degres en bas de zero et de memoire
D'hommes premier de jelle le 22 janvier ???????
January 4 the coldest day of 23 degrees blow zero and in the memory
of mankind. First frost the 22 January ??????
28 janvier ?????Comencé chemin de neige depuis Noel jusqu'a
28 jan. Lu Jose Fortin du cap St Ignace decedé ver le 15 janvier
1879 avirons age de 80 ans
28 January?? started the snow raod since Christmas until 28 January
Read that Jose Fortin of cap St-Ignace died around the 15 January 1879 about
80 years of age.
Page 3
1879 départ du Reverant Kartson pretre pour la Palette Grove
a Manteno Kankakee depuis 11 a 12 ans
Departure of the Reverend Kartson, priest, for Palette Grove
In Manteno, Kankakee (Illinois) since 11 to 12 years.
Fevrier depart de Isaie Monty avec sa familles
Isaie agé de 33 ans Caroline agé de 29 ans
Sa famille composé de 6 enfants le promier
Emery ageé de 9 ans Nelda agée de 7 ans
Anna agée de 5 ans Pierre agé 4 ans, Oswald, agé de 2 ans
Johnny agé de 2 mois toute enbarqué pour Cloud
County Kansas le 12 Feverier 1879
February Departure of Isaie Monty with his family
Isaie age 33 years, Caroline age 29 years
His famille composed of 6 children, the first,
Emery age 9 years, Nelda age 7 years,
Anna age 5 years, Pierre age 4 years, Oswlad, age 2 years
Johnny age 2 months, all embarked for Cloud
County Kansas on February 12, 1879.
Depart de Julien LeBlanc avec sa familles Julien
Agé de 42 ans Marie agée de 33, Alexine 13 ans
Exelarée, Elizabeth, Fredé, George, Harvé, Ademé
Enbarqué a Manteno le 20 fevrier 1879
Departure of Julien LeBlanc with his family. Julien
Age 42 years, Marie (Joesphine Hebert) age 33, Alexine 13 years,
Exelora, Elizabeth, Freddy (Alfred), George, Harvey, (Rose) Edmee
Embarked for Manteno on February 20, 1879.
______(clipping in margin)
1878 DECES 1878
A Clyde, Cloud Co. Kansas, le 31 decembre, 1878, Louisa Clara, fille de Joseph
Et Eugenie Borgard, ci devant de Kankakee, a l'age de deux an et 6 mois.
1878 DECES 1878
At Clyde, Cloud Co. Kansas, December 31, 1878, Louisa Clara, daughter de Joseph
and Eugenie Borgard, of Kankakee, at the age of 2 years, 6 months.
Pierre Pauette agé de 51 ans et Delphine 35 ans
Zea 17 ans Denis Godfois Philippe Eugene
Osouede toute enbarqueé a Manteno pour le
Kansas Pierre et Denis parte avec le bagage le 17 et
Delphine et sa famille le 24 fevrier 1879
Pierre Pauette age 51 years and Delphine 35 years
Zea 17 years, Denis, Godfois, Philippe, Eugene,
Osouede all embarked to Manteno in
Kansas. Pierre and Denis left with the baggage on the 17th and
Delphine and the family on the 24th of February, 1879.
Monseigneur Foley evecque de Chicago decedé le
19 fevrier 1879 agé de 57 ans
Monsignor Foley, bishop of Chicago died the
19th of February, 1879, at age 57.
Page 4
partie pour le Kansas le 24 fevrier 1879
apres 13 jours résidente a Concordia Eugenie Paquette
petite fille de Delphine et Pierre Paquette agée 6 ans
et 6 mois décedé le 10 mars apres 2 jours de
A Nelson Cloud Co Kansas le 11 mars 1879 a l'age de
deux ans 2 mois Oswaid fils de Caroline et Isaie Monty decede
left for Kansas February 24, 1879
after 13 days residing in Concordia. Eugenie Paquette
baby daughter of Delphine and Pierre Paquette, age 6 years
and 6 months died on March 10 after 2 days
At Nelson,. Cloud County, Kansas, on March 11 1879 at the age of
two years 2 months, Oswaid, son of Caroline and Isaie Monty, died.
partie le 12 fevrier 1879
left on February 12, 1879.
Avril Commencé a labourré pour le bled le 7 avril 1879
Commencé a semmé le bled le 8 avril 179.
April Started to work?/labor?/prepare? for the wheat on April 7 1879
Started to sow the wheat on April 8, 1(8)79.
le 15 juin commencé a labourré pour lavoinnes le 15 avril
June 15 started to prepare for the oats (les avoines) on April 15.
le 8 juin jubilé commencé par le pretre Goulet a
Manteno jubilé de Notre St. pere Gregoire 12,
mort du Reverand P Thomas Roi pretre le 16 juillette 1879
professeur du College de Bourbonnais
June 8 Jubilee started by the priest Goulet in
Manteno celebration/feast of Our Holy Father. First Communion? Conversion?? Gregoire 12,
death (perhap pronounced by?)of the Reverand Father Thomas Roi, priest, on July 16, 1879
professor at the College in Bourbonnais.
Sophie Hebert partie pour Chicago le 3 juillette de
retour le 29 juillette 1879 avec Johnny et Fredé Harpin
Edéme LeBlanc decédé le 20 juillette 1879
Sophie Hebert left for Chicago July 3 will
return July 1879 with johnny and Freddy Harpin
Edmée LeBalnc died July 20, 1879.
Jubilé du St. Pere Leon 13 l'age le 23 august et ???25
a Manteno, Illinois 1879 par le reverand P. Goulet
celebration/feast of the Holy Father - Leon age 13, o August 23 and ???? 25
in Manteno, Illinois, 1879 by the reverand Father Goulet.
mariage de George Gamache a Melanie Gillette de
Dayton Minnesota le 5 aout
1879 a l'age de 41 ans.
Né le 22 janvier ????
??ge depuis Noel jusqu'a
? St. Ignace deceé ver
age de 80 ans.
marriage of George Gamache to melanie Gillette of
Dayton Minnesota on August 5,
1879 a the age of 41 years. (Born January 22 ????
etc. --this repeats a portion of
the last entry for Jan 28 on
page 4)
Page 5
1879 promiere jellé le 8 septembre a glace
continue pendant 3 jours pour jellé le bled
tar planté
1879 first frost glazed? September 8
continued for 3 days to frost - late-planted wheat
le 15 septembre commencément diene
(someone changed - should be d'une) chaleurqui a duré jusqu'au 17 Octobre ensuite
(????obscurred)mai beau soleil.
September 15 start of a warm spell
that lasted until October 17 then...(????obscurred by large stain)
May sunshine.
le 18 Octobre promenade a Ste Anne Illinois de ?????.
October 18 journey to Saint Anne, Illinois of/for ?????
B Hebert et sont epouse jusqua Ste Marie ??????
B(aptiste) Hebert et his wife until/as far as Saint Marie ?????
Novembre le 1er promiere neige fondu le 2.
November the 1st - firts snow fell the 2 (nd).
Decembre le 8 neige de 3 pouces fondu le 9.
December the 8th 3 inch (i.e. pouce="thumb") snow fell the 9th.
le 13 et 14 15 promier gros froid
The 13th, 14th and 15th first big cold spell.
le 13 finie de cassé le bled inde
the 13th finished breaking/cracking the corn
Decembre finie deux semaines bien froide le jour de
Noel journé
(soirée) Sa (la) plus froide de ce mois.December finished two weeks extreme cold. The day of
Christmas eve the coldest of this month.
Commencé a battre au moulin le 19 juillette 1880
Started to 'beat at the mill' (mill the wheat) July 19, 1880.
Msr Mollier misionair quitté la mision de Salemma
(apparently altered from Salenna = Salena, KS) cribMsr. Mollier missionary left the Salina Mission ???crib??? (apparently altered from Sophie's actual word)
et remplacé par le reverand Msr. Perrier le 11 juillette.
and was replaced by the reverend Msr. Perrier, July 11.
La grande secheresse de 1880 aux Kansas.
The great drought of 1880 in Kansas.
Wellie Alfred LaPolice Ne le 31 mai 1880 Kansas.
Wellie (Willie?) Alfred LaPolice born, May 31, 1880, Kansas.
Honoré Archer LeBlanc Ne le 26 juin 1880 Kan
Honoré Archer LeBlanc born, June 26, 1880 Kansas.
Zepherin Bourgard Ne le 1er aout 1880 Kan
Zepherin Bourgard born August 1st, 1880 Kansas.
last line illegible
Page 6
clipping (English only) John Hebert, Jr. had the misfortune to lose his
little child a few days ago. The funeral took place last Friday at the
Catholic church.
d oun Les promier jours de pluit
du pro---- de janvier au 11 toujour de la pluit Chemin
( "d oun" is not french) The first days of rain (should be pluie)
of the (probably firts) of January to the 11th, still raining. Road
tous le mois, mais temp d'été
all month, but summer weather
le 10 Paul Eugene Paquette décedé a l'age de 8 mois 2 jours au Kansas
the 10th, Paul Eugene paquette died at age 8 months 2 days, in Kansas
partie de Manteno Illinois le 10 fevrier 1880
pour le Kansas, passé quelque jours a Chicago
left from Manteno, Illinois on February 10, 1880
for Kansas, spent a few days in Chicago
partie de Chicago le 19 et arivé a Concordia Kans le 23 mars
left Chicago on the 19th and arrived in Concordia, Kansas on March 23.
le 21 fevrier le pere Baptiste Hebert agé de 65 an et
Sophie Richard sont epouse agee de 62 le mars 1880
Johhny Hebert a l'age de 23 ans Eliza sont espouse a l'age de 18 ans
Zea Paquette fille de Pierre et Delphine Hebert Paquette
marie le 3 Mai 1880 avec Mr. Louie Sanouse a
l'eglise de Concordia Kansas.
Februaryy 21 The father, Baptiste Hebert age 65 years and
Sophie Richard, his spouse aged 62, in march 1880.
Johnny Hebert at the age of 23 years Elizabeth his spouse at age 18 years.
(MM: 'sont' is regularly misused in this journal for the pronouns 'son' and 'sa',
but in this instance if there is an accect missing from epouse, i.e. - 'epousé, then
sont epousé could translate as 'were married'...the same wording however was used
in the preceding line for 65 year old Bpatiste Hebert and 62 year old Sophie Richard, so
I don't think that was Sophie's intent. Also the correct French for were married would
use the past participle marié, as in the following line)
Zea Paquette daughter of Pierre and Delphine Hebert Paquette
married (marié) on May 3, 1888, to Mr. Louie Sanouse at
the church of Concordia, Kansas.
George fils du Edmond et Eudacide Arpin a l'age
de 3 ans moins 3 jours décedé a Chicago le 17 mai 1880.
George, son of Edmond and Eudacide Arpin , age
3 years less 3 days died in Chicago on May 17, 1880.
S. Richard de Bourbonnais, Ills en visite a Quebec a la
St Jean Baptiste 21 juin, accompagniée de sa fille
Delphine Richard elle ce rendu en pelerinage
la bonne Ste. Anne de Baupré le 8 juillette 1880.
S. Richard of Bourbonnais, Illinois visiting Quebec in
St. John the Baptist, June 21, accompanied by her daughter
Delphine Richard; she was doing this as a pilgrimage to
Saint Anne of Baupré on July 8, 1880,
donc elle ma envoyez une medaille en souvenir de sont
pelerinage la medaille St. Alphonse de l'igari qui a
touché au Relique de la bonne St. Anne envoyez a sa tante
Sophie Hebert le ?? septembre au Kansas.
so she sent me a medaillon as a souvenir of her
pilgrimage - the meadillon of St. Alphonse de l'igari (??) which was
touched to the relic of the good St. Anne, sent to her aunt
Sophie Hebert on september ?? in Kansas.
(MM: This preceding page might cast some doubt as to who actually was the author of this diary.
Sophie Richard was born in 1818 and would indeed have been 62 years old in 1880, as recorded above, but
she could have recorded this information about herself. She also had a daughter named, born in 1843 but unless Delphine, age 27 here, had married into the Richard family, her surname would be still be Hebert. Sophie Richard's married name, on the other hand is Sophie Hebert. If Sophie was in Quebec, and bought a souvenir to send to the writer of the diary, then the writer obviously wasn't Sophie Richard. But if the S. Richard and Delphine Richard are correct names, and they sent a souvenir to Aunt Sophie Hebert, as indicated, the writer could still be Sophie Richard Hebert, and the S. Richard would be a niec, i.e.a daughter of one of Sophie's brothers who in turn also had a daughter named Delphine. Furthermore, the S. initial is vaguely enough shaped that it could equally be a P, L , I, T, F, or J)
Page 7
Kansas 1880
Visite de Dame Paquett le 27 Septembre1880 ag???????? de grand
1880 gros froid et neige au Kansas le 26 et 28 Decembre
grande secheresse et petite recolte en 1880
Visit of Mrs. Paquette on 27 Septembre 1888 ag???????? of large
1880 big cold(spell) and snow in Kansas on December 26 and 28
great drought and small recolte (?? no such word in any of my French dictionaries) in 1880.
le promier Janvier le familles enfants et petits enfants
du pere Hebert réunie a sa table 53 enfants quatre noveaux Né de 1880
the first of January the family's children and grandchildren
reunited at the table of father Hebert (Baptiste Hebert) 53 children four new born in 1880
(mistake added later by someone else)
Page 8
Acte De Soumission
aux Deseins de la Providence (1)
Que m'arivera t'il aujourd'huit, O mon Dieu Je ne sais
Rien, Tour ce que je sais, C'est qu'il ne m'arivera rien
que vous n'ayez prevu, reglé et ordonné de toute été
n'été, Cela me suffit, O mon Dieu cela me suffit;
J'adore vos desseins eternels et inpenetrable, je me
soumets de tout mon Coeur pour l'amour de vous
Je vewux tout, j'accepte tout , je vous fais un sacrifice
tout et j'unis ce sacrifice a celui de Jesus Christ mon
Divin Sauveur, Je vous demande en sont nom et par
Ces merite infinis la patience dans mes peines et Sa
par faite soumission qui vous est due pour tout ce que
vous voulez ou permettez; Ainsi soit-il.
Que la tres juste tres elevé et ters aimable volonte
de Dieu soit accomplie en toute choses quelle soit
honée?/donée et a jamais glorifiée.
Act of Submission (a Catholic prayer)
Of what may happen to me today, Oh my God, I know nothing,
All that I know, is that nothing will happen
that you have not foreseen, regulated and ordered to be or
not be done. That is sufficient for me, Oh my God, that is sufficient for me.
I adore/worhip your eternal and impenetrable designs/plans, I
submit myself with all my Heart, for the love of You.
I wish all and I accept all, I sacrifice
all to you, and I unite this sacrifice with that of Jesus Christ my
Divine Savior. I ask you in His name by\
these (your) infinite merits for patience in my pains and the
perfect submission which you are due for all that
you wish or permit; Thus be it
(So let it be done =Fr-Canadian/Old French=Amen)Let the very just very elevated and very loving will
of God be accomplished/done in all things, that it be
honored/given and forever glorified
Litanies de la Providence
Seigneur, ayez pitie de nous
Jesus-Christ, ayez pitie de nous
Seigneur ayez pitie d enous
Jesus-Christ ecoute nous. (
or nos prieurs?) MM: I think someone guessed at this and possibly changed the real wordsLitanies of Providence
Lord, have mercy upon us,
Jesus Christ, have mercy upon us,
Lord, have mercy upon us,
Jesus-Christ, hear our prayers.
Page 9
Jesus Christ
(first half of firts line obscurred...this is a prayer)...?????? de nous (undoubtedly: ayez pitie de nous)
Pere celeste qui etes Dieu ayez pitie de nous
Fil Redempteur du monde qui etes Dieu ayez pitie de nous
Esprit Saint qui etes Dieu, ayez pitie de nous
Providence de Dieu, digne objet de l'amour des Anges et des hommes ayez pitie de nous
Providence de Dieu conduit par le Couer de Jesus Christ ayez pitie de nous
Providence de Dieu qui gouvernez tout avec nombre, poids et mesure ayez pitie de nous
Providence de Dieu esperance de salve ayez pitie
Providence de Dieu Consolations de l'ame dans sont pelerinage ayez pitie de nous
Providence de Dieu chemin du Ciel ayez pitie de nous
Providence de Dieu guide fidele de l'ame dans tout les dangers, pour les lui faire eviter ayez pitie de nous
Providence de Dieu dignes dispensatrice des Graces, ayez pitie de nous
Providence de Dieu trésor inepuisable de tous bien ayez pitie de nous
Providence de Dieu Soutient des justes ayez pitie de nous
Providence de Dieu esperance des pecheurs les plus abandonné ayez pitie de nous
Providence de Dieu refuge des malheureux ayez pitie de nous
???????? have mercy on us.
Heavenly Father, (You) who are God, have mercy on us.
Redeemor Son, (You) who are God, have mercy on us.
Holy Spirit, (You) who are God, have mercy on us.
Providence of God, worthy object for the love of Angels and of men, have mercy on us.
Providence of God, directed by the Heart of Jesus Christ, have mercy on us.
Providence of God, who governs all with number, weight and measure, have mercy on us.
Providence of God, hope of slavation, have mercy.
Providence of God, Consolations of the soul in its pilgrimage, have mercy on us.
Providence of God, way/road to Heaven, have mercy on us.
Providence of God, fauthful guide of the soul through all dangers, so that we may avoid them, have mercy on us.
Providence of God, worthy granter of Grace, have mercy on us.
Providence of God, inexhaustable treasure of all good things, have mercy on us.
Providence of God, Upholder of the just, have mercy on us.
Providence of God, hope of the most abandonned sinners, have mercy on us.
Providence of God, refuge of the unhappy, have mercy on us.
Page 10
(continuation of same prayer)
Providence de Dieu recour dans les besoins ayez pitie de nous
Providence de Dieu Calme dans les tempetes ayez pitie de nous
Providence de Dieu repos du Coeur ayez pitie de nous
Providence de Dieu aide? des affliges ayez pitie de nous
Providence de Dieu qui nourrissez ceux qui on faim ayez pitie de nous
Providence de Dieu source de rafrachissement ayez pitie de nous
Providence de Dieu appuit? des pauvres ayez pitie de nous
Providence de Dieu soutient de la veuve et de l'orpheline ayez pitie de nous
Providence de Dieu attribut divin qui meritez nos homages et nos adoration ayez pitie de nous
Nous exaltons Seigneur votre Providence
et nous nous soumetton a tous vos decret sur nous.
Providence of God, recourse for our needs, have mercy on us.
Providence of God, Calm in the storms, have mercy on us.
Providence of God, repose of the Heart, have mercy on us.
Providence of God, helper of those afflicted, have mercy on us.
Providence of God, you who nourish those who have hunger, have mercy on us.
Providence of God, source of refreshement, have mercy on us.
Providence of God, alleviator? of the poor, have mercy on us.
Providence of God, upholder of widow and orphan, have mercy on us.
Providence of God, divine attribute, you who deserve our homage and our adoration, have mercy on us.
We exalt, Lord, your Providence/Divine Guidance
and we submit ourselves to all your decree over us.
OrationDieu eternel qui ne degnez pas de jette de yeux
regards de Providence sur nous pour nous
Conduire toute indignes que nous sommes
accordez nous s'il vous plait, de grace que nous
nous abandonnion si absolumment.
Eternal God who deems not to cast a glance (???)
looks with Providence upon us, for us.
Lead forth all those unworthy that we are,
Grant us the Grace, (if it) please (you), that we
were abandonning so absolutely....
Page 11
A tous les decret de cette meme Providence sur nous pendant le Cour insertin (incertain) de cette vie que nous puission arriver a l'emmutablité des cette vie
bien celeste, par Jesus Christ Notre Seigneur
Ainsi soit-il
...in all the decrees of this same Providence/Divine Guidance during the uncertain Trial of this life that
we might be able to arrive at the immutability of that heavenly life, in Jesus Christ, Our Lord.
Amen (So be it).
Voisi le Déces de Celle qui a
Ecri ce Manuscris
Here (occurred) the Death of She who has
written this Manuscript.
DeceasedNous recevons de Princeville Comte de Cloud Kansas
la triste nouvelle de la Mort de Madame
Jean Baptiste Hébert
We receive fro Princeville, Cloud Couty, Kansas
the sad news of the Death of Mrs.
Jean Baptiste Hébert.
Sophie Richard decedé le 17 feverier 1881
Apres une longue maladie a l'age de 63 ans (1881)
Née au Cap St. Ignace, Provience de Quebec (Canada)
Canada le 25 de Mars 1818 elle épousa Canada
en 1836 M. J. B. Hebert et en 1848 tous
dieux viennebt s'etablié a Bourbonnais au cette
famille sut ce creer de nombreux admis leurs
enfants setant mariés et etablis dans le Kansas.
Madame Hebert parti avec sont Mari
en fevrier 1880 pour aller vivre pres d'eux et de
ses petits enfants qui s'entourerent de leurs affections
et de leurs soins jusqu'au dernier moment.
Mme Hebert laisse son mari neuf enfants et seize?
petits enfants ainsi aussi? grand nombre d'amis pour ??deplares?? Hebert
Sophie Richard died on February 17, 1881
after a long illness at the age of 63 years (1881)
Born at Cap St. Ignace, Province of Quebec (Canada)
Canada on 25 March 1818, she married Canada
in 1836 Mr. J. B. Hebert and in 1848 both
came to etablish themselves at Bourbonnnais. In this
family one knew how to create numbers admit their
children who were married and established in Kansas.
Mrs. Hebert left with her husband
in February 1880 to go to live near them and their
grandchildren, who surrounded her with their love and care up to the last moment.
Mrs. Hebert left her husband nine children ant sixteen?
grandchildren as well as a great number of friends who ??will miss?? hebert.
Page 12
Clipping from the Courrier
en cette ville, par le Revd. M.P. Paradis, M.
George Letourneau a Delle. Lucy Augsuta LeVas-
seur tous deux de Bourbonnais. Nos félicitations.
French text....(see cliipping)
English text:
In Bourbonnais, Ill., on the 9th of the current month, the Lady
Kemineur called Laflamme, widow of the late Abraham Richard,
of Cap St. Ignace, at the age of 85
She was a native of the River of the Foxes of Gaspé. Orphaned at
age 8, she was taken in as an adopted daughter in the home of the late
John McPherson, a gentleman of Ile Aux Grues, P. Q., Canada.
The deceased was born of parents exiled from the island of Miquelon.
Her mother, persecuted by religion had been sent
because of that when she was 16 years old to the coast of Gaspé. It did
not take her long to become engaged or to get married. After 10 years
of housekeeping, she was left a widow with 8 children, living in a poor
cabin. One nice summer day, the gentleman from the Ile Aux Grues was visiting the
coasts of Gaspé, occupied by fishermen. Suddenly he saw a charming child
of about 8 years of age approaching him. She held out her hand and begged him for some
alms for her mother who was dying of hunger in the neighboring cabin. Touched by this
maternal plea, the gentleman visited this poor woman, left her with enough to subsist for
some time, then asked her to allow him to adopt her beautiful daughter.
"Dear daughter," then said the mother, "this separation is going to break my heart; but if it is
your destiny to leave me, then I will support it with resignation to the will of God. "Then surrendering her
little one to the gentleman, she explained: "Dear child, you are exactly half the age that I was when I was made to embark to a foreign country. What will become of you, who promised me that you would die, rather than abandon our holy religion? What will become of you without your tender mother? One day I
saw six large ships come to disperse our village. I saw my father embark in one with three masts, and my mother in another two-masted sailing ship, then I fainted." Mr. MacPherson, witness to this moving scene,
declared that he was the sole Protestant on the Catholic island and that he would provide a Catholic education for his adopted daughter. After many other recommendations, the mother and daughter separated with broken hearts. After many years, at the age of.....
(the rest of the clipping is missing)
(A second newspaper clipping)
The Absent Child(see clipping for French)
Poor child, what is he doing this evening?
Las (meaning unknown), murdered, madame...what do I know?
Leg frozen by this snow,
Perhaps he only has his dark pain.
For a gesture, one mis-addressed,
For a word too qquickly escaped,
Perhaps injustice has entrapped him.
He is corroded by sadness.
And I can do nothing for him.
Nothing but suffer in his absence;
And I must suffer in silence,
I must hide my boredom from him.
I look for him at the old table,
Where a joyful circle is seated;
My eyes smile,
While chagrin crushes me.
I speak out flamboyantly,
and I put forth an intrepid appearance,
I am cold near this sweet foyer
As I look at his empty seat.
While you receive my speech,
You find my letter quite rude.
You know well how much we love you
Poor friend in servitude!
You believe perhaps, for the moment,
That one forgets you and disdains you,
When your old father, in naming you,
Joins his hand on his bleeding heart.
If (only) you saw, dear exile,
During your infinite absence,
The nights of the desolate father,
And his sorrowful sleeplessness!
Farewell, but let us dream of reunion.
Enough crying on this page!
Because you are doing your duty,
Keep courage for us both.
- Victor de Laprade.
Page 12
Voisi le Deces de selle
qui a ecri ce manuscri
de Jhonny et Eliza Hebert
George Hebert, Nee le 15 Decembre 1880
Ida Hebert Nee le 9 juin 1882
Philippe Hebert Nee Octobre 1884
Josephine Hebert Nee le 12 Mars 1886
Alfred Hebert Nee le 16 Julette 1887
(L?)ina Hebert Nee le 8 Desembre 1888
(L?)eda Hebert Nee le 10 Fevrier 1894
Here the death of the one
who wrote this family manuscript
of Johnny and Elizabeth Hebert,
George Hebert born December 15, 1880
Ida hebert born June 9, 1882
Phillip Hebert born October 1884
Josephine Hebert born March 12, 1886
Alfred Hebert born July 16, 1887
(L?)ena Hebert born December 8, 1888
(L?)eda Hebert born February 10? 1891
Page 14
George Hebert, 15 December 1880
Ida Hebert 9 June 1882
Philippe Hebert 16 October 1884
Josephine Hebert 12 Mars 1886
Alfred Hebert Nee 16 July 1887
Lena Hebert Nee 8 December 1888
Leda Hebert Nee 10 February 1894
Page 15
Extrait de Bapteme
Extract of BaptismMarguerite Louise et Marie Josephine Hebert
deuse Née du 17 Octobre 1839, filles de J.B. Hebert et
de Sophie Richard, le parent de Marguerite, Gabriel
Guimon, sa marraine, Marguerite Gamache et le parent
de Marie Joesphine Hilaire Hebert et Emerance.
Baoisse par le Rv. Edouard Parent pretre de Cap St. Ignace,
district Quebec canda, les 2em et 3em de la familles
decedé le 3eme jours) Extrait de batem 1852
Charles Hebert fils de B. Hebert et de Sophie Richard
sont parent Elie Savoie et sa marraine Mathilde
Marcotte Batissé par Charles Chinequy Pretre de Bourbonnais
10em de la familles) decedé le 8 juillette 1853 a Bourbonnais.
Marguerite Louise and Marie Josephine
both born on October 17, 1839, daughters of J.B. Hebert and
of Sophie Richard. The godfather of Marguerite=Gabriel Guimon,
and the godmother=Marguerite Gamache, and the godparents of Marie Josephine=
Hilary Hebert and Emerance.
Baptised by the Rev. Edward Parent, priest of Cap St. Ignace, Quebec district, Canada;
the 2nd and 3rd (births) of the family (died after 3 days)
**MM: However, Sophie named a later daughter (besides the twin) Marie Josephine...
This second Marie Josephine Hebert did NOT die. She grew to adulthood and married Julien LeBlanc. They had 6 children who survived, including my great grandmother Alexine LeBlanc.
Extract of Baptism 1852
Charles Hébert, son of B. Hebert and of Sophie Richard,
his godfather Elie Savoie and his godmother Mathilde Marcotte.
Baptised by Charles Chinequy, priest of Bourbonnais
10th child of the family) died July 8 1853 at Bourbonnais.
Page 16
Deces des enfants de 1879
Deces aux Kansas
Louise Bourgard fille de Jos. et Eugenie Hebert Bouregard le 31
Decembre 1878
enterré le 1er Janvier 1879.
Eugenie Paquette fille de Pierre Paquette et Delphine Hebert
le 11 Mars
Oswalde fils de Isaie Monty et Caroline Hébert
le 16 Mars
George LeBlanc fils de Julien LeBlanc et Marie Hebert
le 20 juiliette . Eddemée LeBlanc fille de Julien leBlanc et Marie Hebert
le 2 december 1870 a Chicago. Methilde fille de Julien LeBlanc et Marie Hebert
le 24 avril 1874. Johnny fils de Julien LeBlanc et Marie Hebert a Mateno Illinois.
1880 Décedé
Deces Paul Eugene fils de Pierre Paquette et Delphine Hebert
le 10 janvier 1880 a Concordia Cloud Co Kansas
George fille de Edmond et Eudacide Arpin Décedé a
l'ages de 3 ans moins 3 jours a Chicago Illinois le 17 mai 1880.
Deaths of children in 1879
Deaths in Kansas
Louise Bourgard daughter of Joseph and Eugenie Hebert Bouregard on
December 31 1878
buried January 1 1879.
Eugenie Paquette daughter of Pierre Paquette and Delphine Hebert
on March 11.
Oswald son of Isaiah Monty and Caroline Hebert
on Marc 16.
George LeBlanc son of Julien LeBlanc and Marie Hebert on July 20.
Eddemée LeBlanc daughter of Julien leBlanc and Marie Hebert
on December 2 1870 in Chicago.
Mathilda daughter of Julien leBlanc and Marie Hebert on Aprile 24 1874.
Johnny son of Julien leBlanc and Marie Hebert in Manteno, Illinois.
1880 Died
Death: Paul Eugene son of Perre Paquette and Delphine Hebert on January 10, 1880 in Concordia,
Cloud County, Kansas.
Georgedaughter of Edmond and Eudacide Arpin, died a the age of 3years less 3 days in Chicago,
Illinois, on May 17, 1880.
Page 17
Quand la patrie aveuglé et resigné
Courbais son frant sous le pied des pervers;
Nous releveant une tete indignée;
Nous avons dit, l'exil et non des fers,
et maintenant loin d'un pouvoir unique
D'un autre sol devenus citoyens,
Toute en servant la grande République,
Nous sommes fiers de rester Canadienl
Chantons chantons chantons avec fierte (bis)
dans l'avenire placant notre esperance;
les yeux au Ciel, pauvre peuple exilé
Nous atendons le jours de deliverance;
en contemplant l'etendaret etoilé;
et s'il fallait dans un momment critique,
de ce drapeau devenirs les soutiens
en defendant la sainte République,
Nous serion fiers de mourir Candien
Chantons chantons chantons avec fierte
en Choeur unanime
Ce refraind sublime
Chantons chantons patrie et liberté
Chantons chantons patrie et liberté
MM: Appears to be a song with the same cadence and probably tune of
the Marseillaise (French national anthem)
When the blinded and resigned homeland
covers its face under the foot of the pervers;
We raise an indignant head;
We have said: exile, not chains!
and now far from a unique power
we have citizens of another land,
All (Still) in serving the great Republic,
We are proud of remaining Canadian;
3rd (verse)
Let us sing, let us sing, let us sing with pride (Bis)
Placing our hope in the future;
eyes to Heaven, a poor exile people
We wait for the day of deliverance;
while contemplating the starred banner;
and if it was necessary in a critical moment
to place allegiance in this flag
while defending the great Republic,
we will be proud of dying Canadian
Let us sing, let us sing, let us sing with pride
in unanimous chorus
this sublime refrain:
Let us sing, let us sing, homeland and liberty,
Let us sing, let us sing, homeland and liberty,
(MM: The first verse of this song is found on page 19.)
Page 18
de humble soumission 1879
inspiration de Dieu, de sa Ste. mere et de
Ste. Anne sa bonne mere.
Ne vous mettez pas beau coup en peine qui est
pour vous ou contre vous; ayez soin seulement que
Dieu soit avec vous en tout ce que vous ferez. Ayez
la concience pure et nette, et Dieu soura bien vous
car la malignite d'aucune creature ne pourra nuire a celui
que Dieu voudra assisté. Si vous
savez souffrier et vous taire, vous verrez sans doute
le secours de Dieu sur vous. Il connait le temps et la
maniere de vous deliverer; cert pourquoi vous devez vous
abandonner entre ces mains, Il n'apartient qu'a Dieu
de secourir et de vous garantire de toute confusion.
Il nous est souvant tres utile pour nous conservé dans
une grande humilite que les autres connaissent nos
defaut, et qu'il nous en reprennent.
In humble submission, 1879.
Inspiration in God, his Holy mother and in
Saint Anne, his grandmother.
Do not trouble yourself much over who is
for you or against you; be mindful only that
God is with you in all that you do. Have a
pure and clean conscience, and God will be there
to defend you;
because the the evil of no creature will disturb the one
that God wishes to help. If you
know how to suffer and remain silent, yous will see without doubt
the rescue of God upon you. He knows the time and the manner
of delivering you; (which is) certainly why you must
abandon yourself into his hands. You need only God
to rescue and guarantee you from alll confusion.
It is often very usefiul to us to remain in great humility; let others
know our default, and he will take us back.
Page 19
MM: The last line on this page instructs the reader that the rest of this song
is found on two pages back (p. 17)
Chanson Patriotique
dedie a la societe St Jean Baptiste de Bourbonnais
par le sieur Frechette
president de la societé St jeab Bpatiste de Bourbonnais
Beau Canada, c'est aujourd'huit ta fete;
Au tour de nous tout nous parle de toi;
Ton vieux drapeau flotte sur notre tete;
et notre coeur te garde encore sa foi.
loin du berceau, race patriotiques,
d'un legs
(l'eglise?) sacré de fideles gardiens,Toute en aiment la noble Republique;
Nous sommes fiers d'etre n'és Canadien.
Chantons chantons chantons avec fierte
en Choeur unanime
Ce refraind sublime
Chantons chantons patrie et liberté
Chantons chantons patrie et liberté
retourné de page en arriere vous trouverez
la reste de la chanson.
1st ( verse)
Beautiful Canada, today is your feast (holiday);
Around us everyone speaks of you;
Your old flag floats above our head;
and our heart keeps faith in you.
far from the flock, patriortic race,
of a sacred church/religion with faithful guardians,
All while loving the noble Republic;
We are proud of having been born Canadian.
Let us sing, let us sing, let us sing with pride
in unanimous chorus
this sublime refrain:
Let us sing, let us sing, homeland and liberty,
Let us sing, let us sing, homeland and liberty,
turn back to the page before last to see the rest
of this song.
Page 20
Nom des enfants
le Emerance Leblanc Sophie
veuve ? de Hebert
---ert Norment de Siste auagnues (?)
Joseph Normend
Judith Normend
marié avec un Guimon Judith 1879
Charles Normend
Marie Normend marié avec Coulombre Marin 1879
Andre Normend Andre
Philomene Normend Philomene naissance ???
deces de
Eleazare Hebert Coin de l'avne Carro et
Dorchester No. 207 St. Rch de Quebec
B?Given grove Manchallo, Co., Iowa
Childrens names
Emerance Leblanc Sophie
widow ? of Hebert
---ert Norment de Siste??? auagnues ????
Joseph Normend
Judith Normend
married to a Guimon Judith 1879
Charles Normend
Marie Normend married to Coulombre (Columbus) Marin 1879
Andre Normend Andre
Philomene Normend Philomene birth ----???---
death of ----??---
Eleazare Hebert Corner of the avenue Carro and
Dorchester No. 207 St. Roch de Quebec
B?Given grove Manchallo, Co., Iowa