Photos from the Miss America 2012 Pageant, where Betty won first runner-up,
America's Choice, and her preliminary talent competition!
Youtube Videos from the Miss America pageant and interviews:
The final five are introduced, in order
Betty's Irish step dance talent performance at Miss America finals
Top five answer on stage questions from the judges
The swimwear competition
Interview with Betty, with a very brief clip of her prelim Irish dance performamnce
The top 13 semi-finalists compete in evening gowns
Top 12 semifinalists (and surprise 13th) announced
Betty wins the America's Choice competition and the rest of the Top 15 semifinalists are announced
Betty is presented as the preliminary talent award winner on night 2
Betty's platform video for the "America's Choice" fan vote contest
See the article below at 's NewsOK.com Web site

ABC affiliate Channel 8 (Tulsa, OK) video of Betty being named Miss Oklahoma 2011
(and sorry...there is a brief television commercial tacked onto the start of the clip)

...down to the top two

...and the 2011 Miss Oklahoma is...Betty Thompson !

Betty with parents, Robert & Janine (Marcotte) Thompson

Betty demonstrates Irish dance talent on NewsOK.com
 click here

(circa 1994 photo of Betty with my father = Betty's grandfather, Leonard Marcotte)
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