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Picture Jasper Picture jaspers exhibit combinations of patterns such as banding from
flow or depositional patterns (from water or wind), dendritic or color variations, resulting
in what appear to be scenes or images (on a cut section). Diffusion from a center produces a
distinctive orbicular appearance, i.e., leopard skin jasper, or linear banding from a fracture>br> as seen in leisegang jasper. Healed, fragmented rock produces brecciated (broken) jasper.

While these "picture jaspers" can be found all over the world, specific colors or patterns are
unique to the geographic region from which they originate. The primary source of the stone is
Indonesia, especially in Purbalingga district. Oregon's Biggs jasper, and Idaho's Bruneau
jasper from the Bruneau River canyon are particularly fine examples. Other examples can be seen
at Llanddwyn Island in Wales. (source: Wikipedia)

Picture Jasper belongs to the quartz group, and consists primarily of silicon dioxide,
chemical composition: SiO2, forming a microcrystalline lattice structure in Picture Jasper stones.

Photos by Michael Marcotte

Picture Jasper

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