ompared to many, “Michael Marcotte” is a fairly uncommon name. Still, I am often confused with other individuals who share the same name. I'm the one pictured in the two photos above. I am the Michael Marcotte who created, maintains and owns this Web site and the domain name michaelmarcotte.com. I am the same one who maintains the Marcotte Genealogy pages found elsewhere on this site, and at electroauthor.com, and am the author of the novel, Gold in the Shadow, various SCUBA and travel articles on the Internet, and a few in-print technology and genealogy articles. Career-wise, I have worked as an interpreter, management consultant and information technology professional. I currently live and work in Norman, Oklahoma. I have previously resided in California, Germany, Maryland, Washington D.C., and for shorter periods in Missouri and Georgia. This doesn’t count extended stays in France, Italy, Israel and Brazil.
Others named Michael Marcotte:
If you are named Michael Marcotte and are not on this page or your photo is not linked to your Website, your e-mail adress, or a LinkedIn page, and want one of those added, just let me know.
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