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Dyscrasite:The silver antimonide mineral dyscrasite has the chemical formula Ag3Sb. It is an opaque,
silver white, metallic mineral which crystallizes in the orthorhombic crystal system. It forms pyramidal
crystals up to 5 cm and can also form cylindrical and prismatic crystals.

Dyscrasite is a metal ore and is opaque. In reflected light, however, it demonstrates weak anisotropism.
Dyscrasite’s color under plane polarized light is most likely dark grey/black. When spun on a rotatable stage
of a microscope (under plane polarized light), dyscrasite’s color should slightly change shades. This property
is called pleochroism. Dyscrasite exhibits very weak reflected light pleochroism.

Dyscrasite belongs to the orthorhombic crystal class, meaning all three of its axes (a, b, and c) are unequal in
length and are 90° to each other. (source: Wikipedia)

Photo courtesy Wikipedia Commons

Photo courtesy Heritage Auctions

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