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Geodes are geological secondary sedimentary structures which occur in
sedimentary and certain volcanic rocks. Geodes are essentially spherical masses
of mineral matter that were deposited sygenetically within the rock formations
they are found in. Geodes have a Chalcedony shell containing various minerals,
usually quartz. The minerals contained within a geode have been deposited from
groundwater or hydrothermal processes. The exterior of most geodes generally
consists of Chalcedony, a cryptocrystalline form of quartz. Inside the
Chalcedony shell many minerals have been found such as Calcite, Pyrite,
Kaolinite, Sphalerite, Millerite, Barite, Dolomite, Limonite, Smithsonite,
and Quartz, which is by far the most common and abundant
mineral found in geodes. (source: Wikipedia)

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