majority of the graphics used within my web pages were
created by me. A few others, created by other web designers,
appear on my web site by permission, and an even smaller
number were taken from sites, which place no restrictions
on the re-use of their graphics for non-commercial sites.
Many of the animated graphics (including the three above)
fall into this latter category. Still others were purchased
from sites which sell royalty-free images, such as iStockPhoto
and Shutterstock. All of the graphics on my book
pages, with the exception of the animated "gears" image
were created by me, including the poison dart gun banner below.
Although I do not mind you copying and using any of my
backgrounds or other images, I would appreciate an e-mail
so that I can verify whether the art is mine or is under any
restriction. Like most designers I would ask that you add a link
back to my site.