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January 4, 2025


A Gypsum Rosette is a mineral which crystallizes in a unique rosette
growth pattern. Gypsum Rosettes can be found all across the world.
They form very fast in terms of geological time. They are created in a
span of only decades to hundreds of years. Gypsum is an evaporite, which means its
crystals form during the evaporation of water. The crystals are shaped
like prisms or flat plates. Some rosettes even form large clusters
comprised of many small rosette crystals which are the general color of
the sand. In order for gypsum rosettes to form they must have an arid
environment, a large source of calcium sulfate, and a seasonal
fluctuation of water. (source: Gypsum Rosette, by John Gresham)

Photo by Michael Marcotte

Gypsum Rosette

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