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Howilite, a calcium borosilicate hydroxide (Ca2B5SiO9(OH)5), is a borate mineral
found in evaporite deposits. The most common form of howlite is irregular nodules, sometimes<
resembling cauliflower. Howlite is commonly used to make decorative objects such as small
carvings or jewelry components. Because of its porous texture, howlite can be easily dyed to
imitate other minerals, especially turquoise because of the superficial similarity of the
veining patterns. The dyed howlite (or magnesite) is marketed as turquenite.
(source: Wikipedia)

public domain shared photos by 1) Didier Descouens & 2) Ra'ike
colored howilite

polished, uncolored howilite

colored howilite
photo by Michael Marcotte

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