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Noble Blood? Are we descendants of Catherine de Baillon?

Do you live in a castle, wear a crown or have an official title like Duke, Earl, Count, etc.? If so, then yes,
there's a very good chance that you have noble blood (or maybe just a lot of money).If not, the odds are that the miniscule
trace of nobility that (might) run in your veins is something that is FUN to track down, but that's about all it is good for.
The lines to nobilty, to Adam and Eve, etc. on these pages - although as accurate as I can make them - were all created for
their entertainment value. As a resident of the 21st Century, I (and chances are, you, too) automatically live with far more creature comforts, quality of life and education than many (if not most) of the royals you might find in these
lineages. So, count your blessings and don't be in any hurry to trade places, and please do not mistakenly
draw any inference that I or anyone who traces such lineages do so for the purpose of vanity or upping their self-worth
by virtue of their ancestors or cousins. I make my own fortune and my own way in life, thank you. (i.e.,- Pet Peeve.
If you don't like my HOBBY, find your own, please.) The silly part, of course, about linking 20 generations or more back
through history to a royal ancestor is that if the passage of time had preserved a history of their names, we could
undoubtedly also establish a similar proportion of blood relationship to the stable boy or chambermaid of these same royals.

"You can drop a thousand famous names, but if you're a jerk, you're still a jerk."
- Dennis Miller

Are modern day Marcotte descendants able to trace their lineage to French kings? Possibly, but almost certainly not
via the Marcotte name. Most people of French-Canadian descent who can claim royal ancestors have done so via direct
descent from Catherine de Baillon. More recently, research by Roland-Yves Gagné and Laurent Kokanosky have linked Anne
Couvent (spelled Convent on many sites) back to Robert, comte d'Artois, son of King Louis VIII. Anne Couvent is a
common ancestor for many French-Canadians families, including my own. The detailed results of this research were
published in April 2007, in the Mémoires of the Société généalogique canadienne-française, vol. 57, no 1, cahier 251,
printemps 2007. In deference to the intellectual property rights of the authors, their considerable expense in
performing the research in Europe, and the SGCF's copyright, I would recommend that you purchase their article directly
from the publisher at:

Société généalogique canadienne-française
3440, rue Davidson
Montréal, QC H1W 2Z5

Ask for the Mémoires, vol. 57, no 1, cahier 251, printemps 2007. The cost of an issue is $10.50 Canadian or USA.
Make your check payable to either SGCF or Société généalogique canadienne-française.

In the years that have followed since the above article's publication, the genealogy itself has been displayed on
numerous large Web sites. Therefore, I am now including that line as a link on my page at:
Joyeuse\Logueval line.

Catherine de Baillon was one the many women who travelled from France in the mid-1600s to wed the earliest French
colonists. These women were known as the "Daughters of the King" / "Filles du Roi". Both Nicolas Marcot and Jacques
Marcot married Filles du Roi. The term Fille du Roi does not mean that the women were actually daughters of the King
(Louis XIV), but rather earned the title by virtue of the fact that Louis XIV provided, by way of colonization incentive
- the marriage dowries for these young women.

Most of the women who arrived in Canada as Filles du Roi were relatively impoverished, at best daughters of the
merchant class, whose parents sought a better life for them by way of this trip to the New World than what they might
hope for in France. Catherine de Baillon was a notable exception. Catherine was a daimoselle with royal blood, who
married Jacques Miville "dit Deschenes"in 1669, in the Provence of Quebec. Thousands of descendants of French
Canadian pioneers are able to claim royal blood by way of Catherine or one of her direct descenndants. Among them
are many members of the families named Miville, Deschenes,Deschesnes, Dubé, Langlois, Richard, Bourg, Roy,
Boudreau, Durand, Soulard, Ferré, Lévesque, Niquet, Harel, Badaillac, Autin, Bérubé,Michaud, Levasseur, Mignault,
Coté, Voisine, Landry, Bernier, Gagnon, Pelletier, Terraiun, Sirois, Marquis and others.

Several of these families are among the ancestors of various Marcotte lineages. The Marcotte line connects in several
places with the Miville-Deschenes family, but it is via the siblings of Jacques Miville-Deschenes, i.e. - François and
Aymée, whose descendants do not share the same noble lineage as Jacques'children, grandchildren, etc. (their blue
blood is by virtue of Catherine de Baillon). As of yet, I have found no direct line of descent for any of my own Marcotte
or in-law ancestors to the de Baillon line. Nonetheless, many of you may be able to do so via one of your other ancestors
who married a Marcotte.

One of the best things about establishing such a link to Catherine de Baillon is that, once done, you have - in effect- just extended your lineage several hundred years - all the way back to Charlemagne.

For more information about Catherine de Baillon, try clicking on one of the following links:

Catherine de Baillon Royal Research project
Baillon descendant lineages

If you are dubious about the validity of such lines to nobility, please consider this: Professional genealogical societies generally accept that statistically as much as 90% of the living popultaion of Europe would be able to show Charlemagne
in their direct line, if they can find the right records to trace back that far. The number drops to about 60-70% for persons
living in the United States. Still, such statistics mean that there is more than a 2 to 1 likelihood that Charlemagne is in
your lineage, if you can trace back far enough. This is far less a matter of "wishful thinking," than simple mathematical
probabilities, access to records, research time and familiarity with foreign languages. For more background on this topic
see: Comments on Royal Lineage Research or Documenting Royal Ancestry

For descendants of Benjamin Marcotte, Jr. and Philomene Lambert, there is a fairly well-documented lineage via
Philomene's great grandmother Anne Landry. This line traces back to the Melancon, Mius d'Entremont and Coligny lines
which have many different branches to nobility, including William the Conqueror and Charlemagne. Very few French
Canadian lineages to either nobility or Native Americans are accepted by disciplined genealogists without considerable
dispute.The Melancon/Mius d'Entremont line is no exception. There exists compelling evidence both for and against this lineage, but most historians and foremost Acadian genealogists consider the lineage as very doubtful (see: Mius d'Entremont Sources).

A more solid (thus far) lineage is via Philiomene Lambert's mother Marie Luneau, a descendant of Claire de Crespon, via the the Sicard de Carufel family. I have added what primary source reference as I have been able to gather for this line on the appropriate pages, but the overall documentation, while supporting this lineage remains too thin to be able state that the line has been irrefutably proven.

For descendants of Antoine Marcotte I and Therese Germain, an alternate source of royal lineage may "possibily" exist via Therese's mother Marie-Angelique Biguet. Marie-Angelique was four generations downline from ancestor Marie-Anne d'Anglure, who married Samuel Dumont. The surname d'Anglure is sufficiently rare in the 1600s that Marie is believed to a descendant of the the Saladin-d'Anglure family which included several counts, barons and marquises, and which, for a time owned the title "Prince d'Ambise." No one has yet been able to produce a sound genealogical source to indicate whose daughter Marie-Anne was. Genealogist Denis Beauregard and others have previously presented what they felt like was the most likely lineage, but as with the Savoie lineage, no proof was ever discovered, and this lineage has now been discounted, by Beauregard and most other authorities as unlikely or disproved. There remains some discussion about a future project to trace Marie d'Anglure's actual line.

Virtually every lineage to nobility that I have seen for anyone of French-Canadian pioneer descent (with the exceptions of Catherine de Baillon and Anne Couvent) has come under intense attack by other researchers who, in the absence of
irrefutable proof, ridicule the likelihood of such lineages. The same goes for most of indian ancestry lineages of some of the
early French-Canadian and Acadian pioneers. Perhaps, with time and decreased cost, DNA testing will irrefutably resolve
some such disputes - one way or another. In the meanwhile, it is my personal opinion that the total discounting of family
folklore offers less chance of getting to the bottom of such research, than does tagging such lineages with a caveat
(which is what I havetried in all such "disputed" lineages to do). The bottom line is that it doesn't really matter. It's fun
to attempt such lineages. Enjoy, but take them for whatever they are worth to you.

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