used to have a lineage on this page from me to Charlemagne via my ancestor Marie Luneau
and several French kings, but there is even better documentation for the line, below.
The old lineage via Marie Luneau is found here

Ascending lineage to William the Conqueror and Charlemagne
via Messier-Amiot-Couvent lines

Michael Marcotte
Leonard Marcotte (my father)
Joseph Marcotte (Leonard's father)
Archille Marcotte (Joseph's father)
Julia Messier\Mercier (Archille's mother)
Louis Messier (Julia's father)
Florentin Messier (Louis' father)
Louis Messier, Sr.(Florentin's father)
François Messier (Louis Sr's father)
François-Michel Messier II (François's father)
Marie-Anne Amiot (François-Michel II's mother)
Jean-Baptiste Amiot (Marie-Anne's father)
Mathieu Amiot (Jean-Baptiste's father)
Anne Couvent (Mathieu's mother)
Antoinette de Longueval (Anne's mother)
Louise de Joyeuse (Antoinette's mother)
Jean de Joyeuse (Louise's father)
Fran�ois de Joyeuse (Jean's father)
Marguerite de Barbançon (François' mother)
François de Barbançon (Marguerite's father)
Jeanne de Sarrebruche (François' mother)
Robert de Sarrebruche (Jeanne's father) - married - Jeanne de Roucy et de Braine (Jeanne de Sarrebruche's mother)
|                                                                                |
Marie de Châteauvillain (Robert's mother)                            Jean VI, comte(Count) de Roucy & de Braine (Jeanne de Roucy's father)
|                                                                                |
Jeanne de Grancey (Marie's mother)                            Blanche de Coucy (Jean VI's mother)
|                                                                                |
Yolande de Bar (Jeanne's mother)                            Jeanne d'Harcourt (Blanche's mother)
|                                                                                |
Marie de Dampierre (Yolande's mother)                            Blanche de Ponthieu (Jeanne's mother)
|                                                                                |
Marie d'Artois (Marie's mother)              -- sister of --               Catherine d'Artois (Blanche's mother)
Philippe I d'Artois (father of both Marie & Catherine, above)
Henri I, King of France
Robert II d'Artois
Robert de France, comte d'Artois (father of Robert II)
Louis VIII, King of France, Capetian dynasty (father of Robert)
Philippe II Auguste, King of France, Capetian dynasty (father of King Louis VIII)
Louis VII, King of France, Capetian dynasty (father of King Philippe II Auguste)
Louis VI, King of France, Capetian dynasty (father of King Louis VII)
King Philippe I of France (father of Louis VI)
King Henri I de France (father of Philippe I)
Hugh Capet, King of France (father of Henri I)
Hugues Capet, Duke (father of Hugh Capet, King)
Beatrice de Vermandois (mother of Hugues Capet, Duke)
Heribert I de Senlis (father of Beatrice)
Pepin II de Peronne (father of Heribert)
Bernard, King of Italy (father of Pepin II)
Pepin I, King of Italy (father of Bernard)

Ascent from Philippe II Auguste, King of France , above, to William the Conqueror & Charlemagne
Alix (a.k.a. Adele) de Champagne (mother of King Philippe II Auguste)
Thibaud III de Blois (father of Alix\Adele)
Adele de Normandy, de Blois (mother of Thibaud III)
William the Conqueror m. Mathilda (Maud) of Flanders
Baldwin V of Flanders (father of Mathilda/Maud)
Baldwin IV of Flanders (fatehr of Baldwin V)
Arnoul II of Flanders (father of Baldwin IV)
Baldwin III of Flanders (father of Arnoul II)
Arnulf I of Flanders (father of Baldwin III)
Baldwin II of Flanders (father of Arnulf I) m. Elfridam, Princess of England (daughter of King Alfred the Great)
Judith of France (Baldwin II's mother)
Charles II (Judith's father)
Louis I (son of Charlemagne and father of Louis II)

Jeanne de Grancey, shown above, also is a descendant of William the Conqueror via the ascent of her father, Eudes VII de Grancey
Marie de Dampierre, shown above, also is a descendant of William the Conqueror via the ascent of her father, Jean de Dampierre
Jeanne d'Harcourt, shown above, also is a descendant of William the Conqueror via the ascent of her father, Jean VI d'Harcourt
Louis Messier, shown above, also is a descendant of William the Conqueror via the ascent of his mother, Marie Phaneuf
Louis Messier, shown above, also is a descendant of King Louis IX, "St. Louis" via the ascent of his mother, Marie Phaneuf

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